1991 hook
1993 jurassic park
1993 schindler's list
1997 lost world
1997 amistad
1998 saving private ryan
and the swiss are bordered by the germans, the french, austrians, and the italians
(and we dont count countries that end with stein)
here's a riddle for you folks out there:
30 men with ladies two
Gathered for a festive do.
Dressed quite formal, black and white,
Yet movement turned to nasty fight.
What's going on?
and for the entertainment section of our programming: tv theme song lyrics!
what shows do these lyrics come from?
1. dont know about the future that's anybodies guess,
aint no good reason for gettin all depressed,
buy up your pad and pencil and i'll give you a peice of my mind,
in my opinionation the sun is gonna surely shine...('91-'95)
2. it's a rare condition this day and age to read any good news on the news paper page,
love and tradition of the grand design, some people say is even harder to find...('89-'98)
3. if you're out on the road, feeling lonely and so cold,
(all you have to do is call my name, and i'll be there on the next train.)
where you lead i will follow, anywhere that you tell me to
if you need (if you need me to be with you), i will follow. oh oh oh where you lead. ('00-)
4. dashing and daring, courageous, and caring, faithful and friendly with stories to share...('85-'91)
5. there's a time for love and time for livin,
you take a chance and face the wind,
open road and road that's hidden,
a brand new life around the bend...('84-'92)