Monday, September 08, 2008

State College (that's Penn State for you fools)

Went to visit my bud, RBD and his girl, Cool Lady Friend, at Penn State a while ago. We went bowling, saw Dark Knight, and had an awesome time. Here are some pictures of us bowling. For some reason, RBD is better at real bowling than wii bowling. It's really amazing to watch.

Good times were had by all.

RBD needs a hug

Mrs. KTL running away. Once she found the 5 lb bowling ball her game improved exponentially.

KTL being awesome.....and fat

RBD and CLF giving us "Magnum"...try not to stare too long.


thisisntjimmy said...
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sooprgrll said...

looks like you had bug fun! we should all go bowling up at melody lanes by greenwood.